Saturdays are my favorite day when it comes to working out. The way I see it, is that theres no classes or work, so all my energy can go into a day of sweat and pain, glorious sweat and pain.
I started off my day with a good run in 20 degrees. We've been blessed this winter so far with positive temperatures, knock on wood. Today though I didn't wanna just run, since I did that every other day this week. I threw in some stairs. Oh those glorious stadium stairs. Oh that burn. You know that feeling when all you wanna do is stop but instead you push harder? A motto I heard that I like to remind myself of is "I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done". I told myself I would do 4 sets of those stairs with running in between each set. I wanted so badly to stop after 3, but who would I be cheating? Myself completely.
How many of you have physically and mentally been done but then for your own benefit continued? It feels so much better doesn't it. So much better to say you ran that extra mile, or you pumped out those 30 more pushups, than to say that you were tired so you gave up on it, on yourself.
After stairs and some more running, I was able to make it to the gym for a solid arm and abdominal workout. My roommate stef and I wanted to do muscle failure today. And that we did.
Shaking muscles, barely being able to pick things up, or even grip things, thats what our night consisted of. And it feels so good. Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow where I can bask in my sore legs and arms.
Get out there and make a change today that will help you be better tomorrow!
Have a good weekend and run or walk, walking's good too. Do pushups, lunges, bike, swim eat fruit, eat veggies, drink water, whatever it is you do, and have a healthy day.
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