Friday, January 20, 2012

Eat Clean, Train Dirty

Hello all! I hope you guys are all familiar with the phrase "30% gym, 70% diet", thats right people, what you eat is so very important. You can't just workout and eat whatever you want and expect to reach your optimum health. When you get done with a grueling workout, when you go home, don't you just want to eat tons of fruits and veggies? It just feels good, and you feel good. As you go on throughout the day, sometimes you forget just how good it made you feel. When you fuel your body with fruits, veggies, whole grains and leans meats, your body loves you and you love you! I'm lucky enough to be rooming with two other health nuts so we try to eat the freshest stuff. I'd like to share every once in a while the foods we enjoy daily!

Vegetable Turkey Wrap: Tomatoes, Alfalfa sprouts, spinach, turkey and vegenaise on Multi-grain flat bread with Flaxseed.

Its also great with cucumber and avocado! But you can add any other vegetable you'd enjoy. Another thing my roommates and I enjoy is the wheatgrass we have growing in our apartment! Can't wait to add that to our smoothies and even have wheatgrass shots! Wheatgrass is said to help aid in detoxification of the body and cancer prevention. It is also said to be highly concentrated in nutrients. That a teaspoon of wheatgrass powder has the same benefits as a whole serving of spinach. Sounds excellent to me!

Have an excellent and healthy day! Eat clean and train dirty, your body will thank-you.

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